Reference Algorithm
The SoftGauges package (a zip file) consists of:
- The software end-user licence agreement file softwarelicenceagreement.html.
- The jar file nplsmd.jar.
- The zip file containing the documentation for the software.
- The SMD file sin123withrefvalues.smd.
- The HTML file sin123withrefvalues.html.
- This manual consisting of files manual1.0.html and nplsmd1.0.bmp.
To run the software Java 1.4 or higher must be installed, see (Either the JRE or SDK may be downloaded and installed. For information about installing Jave, please contact NPL through
Having installed Java double clicking on the nplsmd.jar file will run the software and produce the window shown below (if not make sure the CLASSPATH is correctly set, see instructions for installing Java).
To check correct installation load (button Open SMD file) the SMD file supplied with the software, save as an HTML file (button Save HTML file), and check the results are the same as in the supplied HTML file.