Specification It is well known that the definitions of parameters should be unambiguous to avoid being open to different interpretations by both users and metrology software developers. What is not so well known is that parameters should also have stable or robust definitions in order that they reflect genuine properties of a surface. Here a parameter definition is considered mathematically stable if a 'small' change in the profile implies a 'small' change in the parameter value. Unfortunately the parameter definitions given in ISO 4287 – 1997[4] (and ISO 4288 - 1996)[5] are not always unambiguous or stable. Since these specification standards were first drafted, much knowledge has been gained into unambiguous and stable definitions of surface texture parameters. This new knowledge has been used in the present project to re-evaluate the parameter definitions and produce unambiguous stable definitions that are consistent (where possible) with those in the international standards. The basic framework of the SoftGauges developed within the project is shown in figure 1 below.
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